The first phase of Eko-Konnect linking the University of Lagos, Federal College of Education (Technical), Yaba College of Technology and the Lagos University Teaching hospital is now complete. 

The ring is also connected to the Nigerian Internet Exchange point by a 100Mb fiber link where a hub for ngREN connectivity has been provisioned.  The ngREN hub exists to connect to similar R&E networks from different parts of the country and is currently the peering point for local ISPs and content providers. Eko-Konnect is also peering at this point with the Google University Access Program with its’s partner insttutions and as such linking directly with the Lagos State University, University of Nigeria Nsukka, University of Benin, Benson Idahosa University and Convenant University.

A WACREN hub has also been provisioned at the IX and early talks are in progress for connections to Ghana and other WACREN networks for connectivity to global R&E Networks.


Team members installing the bridges and presenting routers to the principal officers in connected institutions.

The first phase of Eko-Konnect linking the University of Lagos, Federal College of Education (Technical), Yaba College of Technology and the Lagos University Teaching hospital is now complete. 

The ring is also connected to the Nigerian Internet Exchange point by a 100Mb fiber link where a hub for ngREN connectivity has been provisioned.  The ngREN hub exists to connect to similar R&E networks from different parts of the country and is currently the peering point for local ISPs and content providers. Eko-Konnect is also peering at this point with the Google University Access Program with its’s partner insttutions and as such linking directly with the Lagos State University, University of Nigeria Nsukka, University of Benin, Benson Idahosa University and Convenant University.

A WACREN hub has also been provisioned at the IX and early talks are in progress for connections to Ghana and other WACREN networks for connectivity to global R&E Networks.


Team members installing the bridges and presenting routers to the principal officers in connected institutions.