Threat Intelligence Sensory Networks

Using students from CTIP this project is building sensory collection networks to collect data on threat intelligence. The sensors built with Raspberry Pi’s are deployed on network campus and used to scan parts of the network and collect the data appropriate to build the profiles and fingerprints in conjunction with the regional REN, security agencies and other stakeholders like the Nigerian Internet Exchange Point.

Eko-Konnect welcomes collaboration from other potential stakeholders to leverage similar student networks or programs in their regions in extending the sensor networks, as well contributing to sensor specifications where applicable, user documentation and quality assurance.

Project Goals:

  • Raise awareness of the existing threats on the Internet
  • Conduct research covering data analysis approaches unique security tool development, and gathering data about attackers and malicious software they use.
  • Provide the tools and techniques used by the Honeynet Project so that other organizations can benefit.